Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Time is running short, so I'd best get this done before, you know, the unspeakable happens.
The postdates indicate that for quite some while, I've been reticent, in a writing sense. Probably a word for that, but I'm much too busy to look it up.
Here's why: I'm trying to kill myself with journalism. It's a blunt, ineffective weapon, but over time, I'm positive the method will work. It's a good bet I will die with a pen in my hand (or most likely hunched over a dirty keyboard, a half-empty cup of stale coffee spilled on the scattered papers of my desk, perhaps some vomit leaking from the corner of my mouth.)
I hope the words on the monitor will be clever, like Hunter S. Thompson's last communique, typewritten and centered on the page: counselor.
Likely, though, it will read something like: The city council will decide the matter at an upcoming meeting. Or maybe it will be these words. A letter to no one, that says nothing.
But, before I go, I'd just like to tell all those journalism links on "Wordicus: the blog" to please go fuck themselves. I've had very litte fun the last couple of years, and I honestly believe those damn links, or the profession that spawned them, are at fault.
So please, fuck off. All of you.

1 comment:

Duece Fuego said...

Do it, man. Don't waste time! One less reporter = more money for the rest of us... doesn't it?