Thursday, March 17, 2005

Banned: that bag of hot air, Jim

Starting now, I will strictly avoid first person references in my posts for one week, just to see if I can. If all goes well, the ban could be extended an additional week.
The prohibition includes parenthetical clarifications, foot notes, or comments made by me, to myself.
Now, that doen't mean I can just refer to myself in the third person either, although if necessity demands my personal reflection on matters, that part of the rule may have to go.
Maintaining an active voice could be a trick, but that's the kind of challenge Jim is ready to tackle.
The point isn't so much to remove Jim from Jim's posts, but to include other subjects. Jim has found that when Jim becomes involved, there's little room for anything else. Jim's just that huge...
Crap, this isn't going to be easy...

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