Wednesday, June 28, 2006

If I don't find some inner peace out here, you're a dead man

Fishing is a horrible way to pass the time.

I went fishing yesterday after the ol' nine-to-five. Spent the majority of my time tying flies to my leader and untangling my flies from trees, rocks and even from my own rod.

The evening basically went like this: Tie fly to leader, untangle, cast, untangle fly from weeds, cast, cast, untangle fly from weeds on opposite bank, cast, untangle, untangle, untangle, tie new fly on leader to replace lost fly, cast, untangle, etc.

Meanwhile, happy little fish splish-splashed to and fro, upstream and down, free of fear that I had even an idiot's chance of catching them.

Finally I snapped.

This is embarasssing to admit, but I threw a wild tantrum.

I threw my rod into the creek, and then picked it up and threw it into a tree, where it got stuck. I climbed up a steep embankment and retrieved my rod, and commenced whacking the crap out of every tree and rock I could reach. Then I beat the crap out of the river until I broke my rod and damaged the reel.

And the fish swam, to and fro, upstream and down, free of fear or harm.

I wish I could say that I feel better now, but I don't.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Esta una historia Cinderalla en Alemania 2006!

Team Archucatelectl victorious in first match! [STOP] Exceeds all expectations! [STOP] Proceeds to next round. [STOP]



Latin American futol champ Rojelio Galban, in Germany:

"It waz very exciting, this match!"

"We ran at our opponents very fast..."

"...we made very hard kicks..."

"... and our balls flew into their goals many, many times!"

Team Archucaltelectl: 4, Team Germany: 1

I stroke my organ almost every day...

I touch it, and "tickle" it with my fingers. I tap it and POKE IT WITH MY FOOT. This gets me hot and sweaty, because I do it in my garage, where there's no air conditioning.

I stroke my organ every chance I get.

My organ has wood...

My organ is large...

My organ is old...