Thursday, November 16, 2006


Early girl, backwards girl floppy, skinny little girl blue skin, brown hair and the prettiest little lips She never was hard to look at even when filthy and foul she extracts a father's smile almost every time.

Light year dream

Beautiful points of light
expand into vacant space
infinite lengths of time

this is the road ahead
a lonely light-year dream

I've come so far
who could have known
soft lips and warm hands
could make going home so hard?

Never be the same again
since the day I let her in
since the day I beamed her up
since the day I inhaled her breath
in geosynchronous orbit above her parents' house.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Best photos of aliens on the net



Moldy pubic hair -- eww!

Awwww.... Isn't she precious?

Sexy flirt!