Friday, July 29, 2005

Endless goodbyes

Is there anything worse than saying goodbye? If there is, for christsakes, don't tell me about it. I fucking hate that (I love Viva Burrito, I love clean sheets, etc. There's an earlier post that explains this whole Viva Burrito thing...)

Even if I haven't seen some dude in years, there's still the possibility that I'll bump into him somewhere, so long as he still lives here. But if he moves, that's pretty much it, isn't it? Well, maybe not, but it still feels that way.

See ya, Judd. Have fun in Australia w/ your new wife. I'll be here, in Denver, doing whatever it is I do. You know where to reach me...

I love Viva Burrito.
I love clean sheets.
I love reading on the toilet 'til my legs fall asleep.
It goes on like that...


1 comment:

JuddHole said...

Aw, ainchoo sweet.
Omma miss yew tew bitchass.


P.S. This blog fkn rocks. Can I tell the world?