Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Gotta polish these bloody ramparts. The woman don't like bloody ramparts. She also wants me to get her swords sharpened -- like I don't have important things to do.

"Sure, sweetie... I'll take your weapons the smith on the way to this morning's JOUST. No problem, I've got plenty of time to travel 20 minutes out of my way while the squire prepares my armor and horse -- Oh that's RIGHT! My squire quit the other day. Well, I guess I'll just fight for your honor in my pajamas today."

Love you, sweetie!

1 comment:

JuddHole said...

That's actually a conversation that's happened in this house. No shit.

See? We plays killsticks and shit.

Smooches baby, smooches on ya bum.tnkp