Thursday, May 24, 2007

Let's make a new list, for lack of anything better to do...

An exercise in thee, thine and thou:

1) How I lust for thee.

2) Methinks thine loins burn for me...

3) Wouldst thou slather thine loins with Cool Whip (registered trade mark) and permitest me to enjoy thine delights?

4) Art not thou horny?

5) Wouldst thou accept my deepest apologies, then?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hot. Very hot. You should write Archaic Enlgish porn! Did you know I am an editor of Archaic Enlgish porn? No? It's true. That said, THY/THINE matched our modern use of A/AN as far as the vowel/consonate rule. Thine eyes can read and thy mine will understand.