Saturday, December 10, 2005

Pryor dies, and I shit you not: I subconsciously knew it was gonna happen!

Richard Pryor, 65, dies of a heart attack at 9 a.m. Mountain Standard Time -- just nine hours after me and the lady rent and watch the Richard Pryor: Live DVD! (The show was recorded in 1979).

Evidence supporting my conclusion that me and the lady can see into the future:

a) We never rent stand-up comedy.

b) As the brilliant comedian's body cooled to room temperature, me and the lady laughed like babies at his moving-and-speaking image, an image recorded 24 years earlier.

c) Not two months ago, me and the lady watched a documentary about Pryor.

d) During that viewing, we both said, "Is Richard Pryor still alive?" at the exact same instant! (or the at least me and the lady agree that it happened that way.)

e) Neither of us knew the answer.

The evidence speaks for itself; we can predict the deaths of comedians. I'm crappin' you negative...

-- The Editor, H. Strange Winterhalter


Anonymous said...

Yes dear, but I believe the show was recorded in 1979 not 1971...
the lady strange

Duece Fuego said...

That is correct. The show was recorded in 1979. I'll make the correction presently.