Friday, November 11, 2005

One hundred prevarications per minute: White House press room transcripts

Stumbled into this website the other day, read these, and then passed out with disbelief and shame.

I almost wish these jerks would just get it over with and order us all to report to the lead mines for duty. When did endless lying, obfuscation and prevarication become standard of communication in this open society of ours? Do these people really think word games like this actually help this country?

Tell me it's not true that every foul cliche in the English language fits our great American leaders: Lying, thieving, killing, conspiring, law-breaking, self-serving motherfuckers... Every last one.

Fuck them!

Let's revolt. Send these cold, embittered men and women to some grey desolate, deserted North Dakota crossroad farm town so they can spend their dying days in banishment arguing about whose method was most effective at crushing the American spirit.

Goddamned motherfuckers!

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